Celebraction mode: WEBINAR Date: June 16th, 2021 Hour: 18:00h The sesion will have simultaneous translation with channels in English and Spanish
The Aragones Group of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Roma is pleased to announce this session.
A unique book written by Joan Rosàs Xicota, a member of the International Club of Rome will be presented. It gathers the reflections of relevant people, with different but unique life experiences. In conversations with the author, they have expressed their thoughts on success and failure in the different facets of life (professional, personal, family, spiritual, social, etc.). And it is in this introspection with each of these people that considerations arise about what is really important in each person’s life, the distinction between success and failure, the relationship between success and happiness or failure or unhappiness, family relationships, our personal challenges, and those of society. These personal insights also reveal some of the keys that have enabled these people to achieve success in different areas of their lives, or to turn their failures into new opportunities.
The result is a special book. Dennis Meadows, world-renowned scientist and co-author of “The Limits to Growth”, gives a practical lesson on how actions speak louder than words; Federico Mayor Zaragoza, former Director General of UNESCO, explains that success means never giving up and always trying hard; Shlomo Ben Ami, a former Israeli ambassador to Spain who was later Israel’s Minister of Internal Security and Foreign Relations, explains how close he came to achieving peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis at Camp David; and Angel Villán, climber, mountain guide and firefighter by profession, explains how respect for nature and love for people are the key to forging a new, sustainable and fairer world for all.
And the book also incorporates the testimony of other people, known and unknown, giving a hopeful picture of the human being, despite the colossal challenges facing humanity.
It will be broadcast in parallel on our YouTube channel
Oficina Secretaría General:
Fuencarral, 139, 5º A
28010 – Madrid
Teléfono: 91 431 67 99
Capítulo Español del Club de Roma © 2020